Here we go, I have them on a todo list, albeit on a hidden page, but I need to record the links somewhere …
How to find your followers and those you follow to see if they have moved elsewhere?
- Circleboom, not sure if this is free.
My wordpress web site
- ✨I need to rectify the link checker on the wiki, it seems unwilling to run on their cloud on the wiki’s links which is implemented in a leaf location on the domain.
- Images on hover again, from wp-tutorials, first addressed in my article “pop-up meerkats“.
- Do I need a captcha in front of the site? I suffered from a DOS attack over the summer, most were from Facebook or AWS … I downloaded the logs and checked their content using https log viewer to get some insight into the cause. The ssl plugin also reported an error.
- Can I fix the mingle?
- Oneall the social network login manager, needs the facebook login fixed.
- I need to weed the category lists, and maybe the tags, see also WordPress database schema and WordPress tags maintenance on this wiki
My hugo web site
- Can I reverse engineer the site? My HUGO notes are on this wiki as are my notes on recovering
New Searches
- Can I finish my experiments with searches on tags, and words & SPARQL