Database Generators

It’s project time again. I need to build an application. It needs a database, and writing the procedural code in SQL is easier for me. So step one is to find an ERD/generator. Here are my notes …

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WordPress Database Schema

While working on Nulis and while attempting to solve some other problems I began to need to document the contents of wordpress databases. The first problem I sought to solve was to build a visual map of the site. This needs the schema to be understood and the table contents to be extracted. This needs…

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RDBMS theory

This was written 2014, I wonder how relevant it is today (2023). Much of it points are theory, which should not have changed. 😀 Barry Morris, CEO of Nuodb, has written a series of articles about the “Holy Grail”, which he published at the Cloud Computing Journal, and somewhere within the NuoDB site. The most…

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Snipsnap Problems

This was copied across from the snipsnap bliki on 26th July. It’s all a bit redundant now, but it might be useful for others. This was a pagfe that documented my work in building the configuration and in some places represented a work in progress. In some cases, the resolution is not documented and in…

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