Fair Trial and Labour’s ‘fast track’

A note on Labour’s ‘fast track’ disciplinary process and Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Labour’s disciplinary determination process for complaints that allege prejudice or harassment were changed at Conference 2019. The investigation is conducted by staff, who then present a charge and proposed sanction to a panel/sub committee of the NEC…

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Labour’s Money

I feel the need to document my findings on Labour’s finances. I have written about it here and on my blog. In 2020, the LP did not publish their 2019 annual report to the members and so I had to get it from the Electoral Commission. At the time of first writing, this is an…

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Labour, local government candidates and women

This is a note on Labour selections, specifically around positive action programmes for women. I live in a London borough which elects all its council every four years from multi-member wards using FPTP. Certain by-elections must be selected using all-women short (AWS) lists. Here are my notes …

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Why Labour lost,

and what is to be done Nearly a year later, the debate amongst Corbyn’s coalition truly starts, here are some links which I need to read in detail. It’s about time, …

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Labour 19 & Brexit

I wrote a piece on the LP Brexit debate at #lab19 and in the next few days a number of people commented on the debate, I thought I’d make a little wiki article, bookmarking them; some of these articles are mirrors made by me. As ever, for more, see overleaf/below … 

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The Socialist International

One of the issues raised while considering Venezuela, is the suggestion that since Jose Guaido’s party, Voluntad Popular is a member of the Socialist International, Labour Party member’s should be supporting him and his party; interestingly the Labour Party is no longer a full member of the SI, having downgraded its membership in favour of…

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I attended the IUSY 77 Congress in Stuttgart, as part of the Labour Students delegation and stayed for the summer camp. I still remember some of the fabulous conversations I had and the amazing campaigning comrades that I met from the (West) German JUSOS and other parties across the world. Were you there? Do you…

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Labour Conference 2017

I made a document archive of Labour Conference 2016, and thought I’d see if I could do so  for 2017, it might take some time since I  wasn’t a delegate this year, although I built the 2016 archive from membersnet.

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Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party in 2015 and published an economic manifesto called the “The Economy in 2020”. This disappeared from Jeremy’s site at some point. Richard Murphy pointed me at the wayback machine copy, and I have also posted it to this site as a mirror.

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