Investigatory Powers Act 2016

The Investigatory Powers Bill became Law earlier this week. Interestingly the noise and criticism was turned up after the Royal Assent and a Government Site petition opposing the Law reached 1500,000 signatures in a week. I had reason to perform some research on what the Law actually says, and here are my notes and links.

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Boundary Reviews

Im wrote in 2016, “As we know the Tories are having a second go at rigging the General Elections”. It seemed they didn’t need to and have dropped the plans. For some reason I originally made this private but lifted the constraint in Nov 2020. Here are my notes and links,

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Dictatorship and Plebiscites

For people casual acquainted with political theory, we know that dictators quite like plebiscites in a way that they dislike parliaments. We can see in the UK, the way in which some of the Brexiteers, but not their leadership, are frightened of both parliament’s consideration of interpreting the referendum result and/or running a second one.

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Labour’s NEC Elections 2016

The Labour Party NEC elections have started. Ballot papers are being issued now, to arrive by email by 16th July and by post by 22nd July. They are to be returned by Noon 5th August. I expect them to be both online or paper ballots. This post is designed to be informative and not polemical.

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Labour’s Chakrabarti Inquiry

I don’t know how popular my hosting of the LP rules has become, but the Labour Party doesn’t really get permalinks. I have decided in the interests of informed debate to mirror Labour’s Chakrabarti Inquiry findings. Labour’s launch of the report was a debacle and fell foul of the dead cat on the table disruption.

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Who broke the internet?

This is going to be a shit storm. The CJEU has ruled that US owned storage is not “adequate protection” under EU data protection laws and that their laws around warrants are not an “effective remedy”.  They have torn up the so-called self-harbour treaty. Here are some links.

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Defending the UK

What started it I found myself doing some reading about recent British Defence strategy and policy. It started with a blog by John Snow, questioning the British military’s obsession with supporting the US, it’s a sort of trickle down, but we can’t afford the technology any more. Military technology works because its new and different…

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Labour’s Leadership Election Timetable

Last Month, Harriet Harman writes, As well as mounting a strong opposition to the Tories and understanding the lessons from our election defeat, we need to get on and elect a new Leader and Deputy Leader. The NEC met this afternoon to decide on the timetable for the leadership election, …. This leadership election will…

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London Labour’s Mayoral Candidate Selection

The Labour Party is undertaking a process to choose a candidate to run for Mayor of London. This process is in four parts, Application Stage – now complete Nomination Stage – closes 10th June Selection Panel Stage – currently advertised as complete  on 13th June Voting – starts 12th August, finishes Noon 12th September The…

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Huppert’s parliamentary record

I have been considering Julian Huppert’s record as an MP and have come across the following resources to help me understand it. I have of course seen him speak at the last three OrgCON conferences,  the recent Digital Question time and in the Westminster Hall debate on Snowden & GCHQ, which I reviewed in my…

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On Copyright

As a result of the EP’s LIBE committee report on the EU Copyright Regulation, in Feb 2015, I built a Storify page and propose to write a blog article. This page captures some of the resources I used to write it. They come from my blog, the IP Kat,, torrentfreak and flickr, where martin…

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Parliament TV

I was point at a Parliament TV clip from the House of Commons and wanted to experiment with using the stop parameter. The http code is as follows,

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