Labour’s coming manifesto 2023

Originally created to help understand the NPF process in 2023, the process culminated in the 2024 manifesto. Labour published its draft National Policy Forum report, I was told on the 9th May 2023. The Labour Party URL for the report is here, on the Labour Party’s main site and behind the members’ ID wall; I…

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Iain McNicol, once Labour’s GS

He was appointed in July 2011, and resigned on 23rd Feb 2018. The NEC by-election that led to Jon Lansman, Yasmine Dar and Rachel Garnham being elected was announced on 15th Jan 2018. There is more overleaf, but not much.

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Labour 19 & Brexit

I wrote a piece on the LP Brexit debate at #lab19 and in the next few days a number of people commented on the debate, I thought I’d make a little wiki article, bookmarking them; some of these articles are mirrors made by me. As ever, for more, see overleaf/below … 

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Labour Conference 2017

I made a document archive of Labour Conference 2016, and thought I’d see if I could do so  for 2017, it might take some time since I  wasn’t a delegate this year, although I built the 2016 archive from membersnet.

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Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party in 2015 and published an economic manifesto called the “The Economy in 2020”. This disappeared from Jeremy’s site at some point. Richard Murphy pointed me at the wayback machine copy, and I have also posted it to this site as a mirror.

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New Labour and Party Management

An unfinished white Paper by Emmanuelle Avril of the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. The paper is called, The (Unintended) Consequences of New Labour: Party Leadership vs Party Management in the British Labour Party. and was presented to the Political Studies Association 2015 conference, in March so before the election. The abstract states, 

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Labour’s NEC Elections 2016

The Labour Party NEC elections have started. Ballot papers are being issued now, to arrive by email by 16th July and by post by 22nd July. They are to be returned by Noon 5th August. I expect them to be both online or paper ballots. This post is designed to be informative and not polemical.

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Labour’s Chakrabarti Inquiry

I don’t know how popular my hosting of the LP rules has become, but the Labour Party doesn’t really get permalinks. I have decided in the interests of informed debate to mirror Labour’s Chakrabarti Inquiry findings. Labour’s launch of the report was a debacle and fell foul of the dead cat on the table disruption.

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Labour’s Rule Book

This is my Labour Party Rules Page. It contains links to various Labour Party rules, policies and guidelines. This page has a bitly alias . …

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Labour and Language

Introduction This is a suspended/abandoned project. Harold Wilson Harold Wilson (Wikipedia) Harold Wilson’s Guardian Obituary Harold Wilson’s No 10 .gov page Neil Kinnock Neil Kinnock (Wikipedia) Niel Kinnock’s wikiquote page Google Neil Kinnock at the bbc Tony Blair Tony Blair (Wikipedia) his own words, a youtube video Links British Library Microforms index, includes a collection…

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