This page is about my attempts to install NWN under WINE on my MAC. I finally got this working in March 2011 and then attempted to ensure that this page focuses on the NWN actions and runes, and that my WINE page deals with installing WINE on the MAC. I returned in 2014, to try…

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The height and Oche distance are important. See Wikipedia on Darts

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Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

The Nullsoft Scriptable Install System is an installer tool. I used it for my Perils of Branwen mod Meta These notes were written at the time I published my Perils of Branwen mod. It’s been lying around my home network systems for a while and I want to publish it so that others can use…

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Running LBA 2 under Dosbox

This was made in 2011; I tried in May 2024 to install it on a W11 laptop. Dosbox went on OK and I found some runes to mount the CD and create a game folder, but it still insists on having the CD mounted. The answer is probably steam or gog games. Overleaf/below, I have…

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Dello in Neverwinter

I finished my second run through Neverwinter Nights the other week, with a Barbarian called Dello. I started with a low charisma, but its not a good idea to take a low charisma character through this game, a number of story lines are not available and there’s not a lot of compensation, well apart from…

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NWN Playing a Wizard

Some notes on Playing a Mage in the NWN Official Campaign. I made her an Evoker. An extra spell per level, but you lose “Summoning”. I have never played a wizard under wither V2 or V3 rules, and it’s really changed. I need to check up on the offence, defence, buffing, protection and counterspells. About the…

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Binky Netzen

This is one of a series of NWN character notes. Binky is fighter/thief who travels with Mischa Waymeet in the NWN game, Shadow of Udrentide. I am not sure that the fighter/thief was such a good idea. See Of Fighter/Thieves @ I discuss the difficulty in keeping up with the game since the scales…

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NWN Walkthroughs

This page captures my notes on the NWN, so-called, Official Campaign i.e. the first released game for NWN1. It is the story of the rise of the Hero of Neverwinter, who defeated the plot of the “Old Ones” return. This was copied from wiki V.1 on 22nd June 2013. Some of the internal links need…

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NWN Making new modules

I decided I wanted to author a module. So I found the obvious resources and links and started the tutorial, the Invasion of Fern. [Aurora Toolset Tutorial] I, of course, found some stuff to be missing. This page is my my how to code a module page. This article contains broken Bioware links and now…

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NWN Macros

I decided to give NWN Macros some examination. It’d be nice to group a bunch of actions, and bind them to a single button. i.e. “buff up”, or “put the sword and shield away & draw bow”. This article contains broken Bioware links.

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Perils of Branwen (Downloads)

This is the downloads page. This page was last updated, prior to being copied over to on 11 Nov 2009, I was sent the Russian Translation late in 2010, and posted it to in June 2012. I placed the Russian Translation on this page in June 2013, when I copied the page to…

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NWN Henchmen

While playing the official campaign I got fed up with the henchman’s poor behaviour in combat and started to research what can be done. I started a thread at which discusses improving henchpersons. I write a bit about henchmen in my NWN Playing a Paladin article, which was my first, but for the later…

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Invasion of Fern

The Invasion of Fern is the Builder’s Kit tutorial. This article holds my notes on the tutorial. See also NWN Making new modules, and the Bioware Tutorial | [Aurora Toolset Tutorial].

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NWN Playing a Druid

I am taking a Druid through Shadows of Udrentide. There’s a couple of class specific quests which are quite nice. I have reached the Asabi Camp as a Druid/Barbarian/Shifter (7,1,1) and am having some difficulty. I notice that Ashtara has very few Druid’s scrolls and not that many heals or even cure critical. Actually he…

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Shadow of Udrentide

I got this for Xmas in 2006. The last comments made prior to copying from the orginal bliki was in July 2009. It makes reference to Bioware community resources, which have since gone away. This is the second add-on to the Official Campaign; it is followed by a game called Hordes of the Underdark. See…

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