Heat Maps

Donovan Ransome showed me Heatmapapi which looks pretty damn cool. So I have been trying to make one. I eventually gave up, the api needs server side programming skills and access. The programming skills and creating a accessible environment seemed too hard and time consuming. Help http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation geochalkboard on heatmaps

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Linksys WAG 54GS & Power Offs

I tested the household power yesterday and turned the Gateway off for 2 hours. Resetting Factory Defaults When it came up the wireless wouldn’t work. So I rang Linksys and they talked me through resetting factory defaults. For those of you following me, you must document your encapsulation and consequent parameters, your wireless settings and…

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This is my page about Machinima, which now has a wikipedia page. Another project which fell by the wayside. The rest of this page deals with some experiments and documents he links I found.

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Google Gadgets

Notes on integrating Google Search and Google Friend Connect to my site. This includes some google code that never worked on snipsnap, and doesn’t work here. 28 June 2013 Google Search Can I make a google search of the site? I experimented with the snipsnap field macro and tried to make http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=$query+site%3Adavelevy.info, where $query is the results…

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Binky Netzen

This is one of a series of NWN character notes. Binky is fighter/thief who travels with Mischa Waymeet in the NWN game, Shadow of Udrentide. I am not sure that the fighter/thief was such a good idea. See Of Fighter/Thieves @ http://forums.rpgforums.net. I discuss the difficulty in keeping up with the game since the scales…

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Touring in Switzerland

I am not sure Summer is the best time but…, actually I am not sure 2009 is the right time, have you seen the exchange rate? Destinations Zurich, see my Zurich Page for more on Zurich and Switzerland. Lucerne Bern Basel This would mean missing out on Lugano and Geneva Links [jp-rss-feed url=”http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/davelevy/switzerland” numitems=”7″ getdesc=”50″…

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NWN Walkthroughs

This page captures my notes on the NWN, so-called, Official Campaign i.e. the first released game for NWN1. It is the story of the rise of the Hero of Neverwinter, who defeated the plot of the “Old Ones” return. This was copied from wiki V.1 on 22nd June 2013. Some of the internal links need…

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Travelling in NYC See http://www.triptropnyc.com/ They say “extraordinarily pretty subway maps from anywhere to everywhere in new york city”.

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NWN Making new modules

I decided I wanted to author a module. So I found the obvious resources and links and started the tutorial, the Invasion of Fern. [Aurora Toolset Tutorial] I, of course, found some stuff to be missing. This page is my my how to code a module page. This article contains broken Bioware links and now…

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British Higher Education

Decline & Fall In Feb 2007, a manifesto/biography entitled Decline and Fall of the British University appeared on the internet but its host site disappeared pretty quickly. The Google cache has also expired now. It was signed by Mark Tarver, who argues that the expansion of student numbers and the increased and payment of tuition…

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LAMP & Ubuntu

This should be easier, but I think made harder because I corrupted my Firefox applications helper list, and then chose the wrong way out My problem, the browser tries to download index.phtml, in retrospect because, I believe that the module wasn’t properly installed into apache. Using Ubuntu 9.04 The Right Way This page, Apache MySQL…

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NWN Macros

I decided to give NWN Macros some examination. It’d be nice to group a bunch of actions, and bind them to a single button. i.e. “buff up”, or “put the sword and shield away & draw bow”. This article contains broken Bioware links.

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Snipsnap, RSS & XML feeds

This page was originally entitled “Snipsnap Blog & XML Feeds”. It documented one of the crucial failings in snipsnap, its limited rss feed size of 10 and the blog article naming which means that it considered nearly all the articles to be titled “1”. In 2009, I experimented with using Google reader as a feed…

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