My Alienware Aurora

I bought one of these in February 2006 and it went bang for the 2nd time in the Summer of 2014. I could probably get it repaired but I can’t be arsed. It served me well, the rest of this article is/was an action log. …

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mobile VNC

I got interested in VNC. I have some notes elsewhere in the wiki, when I built a vnc server for AWS, so I could use windows to manage the remote Linux box. This note was written when I was experimenting with playing PC games through a small screen/handheld device.

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Norton Anti-Virus

For various reasons, I use Norton AV, now owned and distributed by Symantec. This was first written in 2008, and a year later I moved to Citihub where other anti-virus products were in use. I stopped using it about then. I have marked this page as deprecated.

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External Disk on an XP system

This article was originally written in 2008, and was copied to this wiki in June 2013. It covers both moving XP windows directories from the internal local drive to the external disk, and some wish scripting to check the disk was on and remind people to turn it on if not already done. This article…

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This page was originally set up when considering putting a personal LDAP server on the web. This didn’t happen, but the problem of having one address book permanently available still needs to be solved. I got as far as starting a server, although it seems I need root user privilege. None of the vendors help;…

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Add This

I created this page to test scripts published by It was originally created on the Qube. See below for early experiments for what I wrote at the time, all probably useless now. I have installed their wordpress widget and so even lower down on this page, after the article , are add this’s sharing…

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F1 Help and Support

On my Dell Dimension, there’s been a problem with “Help & Support”, it wouldn’t start on using the F1. Dell recommended a pcrestore, which since I had already done once, I didn’t want to repeat. I logged it in the Dell Community forum here… and joe53 referred me to Kelly’s Korner tweaks, line 235. This…

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Windows boot menu on a Dell

Windows Safe Mode I am looking to boot my Dell Dimension 5150c into Safe Mode. See the Dell support page where they state that to get into the boot menu, you must use the F8 button,after the basic input/output system (BIOS) has finished loading, but before the windows XP splash screen is displayed. keywords: “windows…

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Home Entertainment (TV)

Meta The bulk of this snip was written in 2008, much has changed since, although I am still, annoyingly a Sky customer. I updated it in November 2013 when I upgraded the box for free. Skyplus I have just spoken to Sky who have offered to upgrade my skybox for free. So that’s good then….

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BG1: Installing

This was first written in 2008, various links are no longer available, and I have lost some of my supporting documentation but you might still consider bits of this article useful. I have tagged it as deprecated since next time I play BG1 or II I plan to use the NWN engine. 21st Century Install…

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Second Life

Is this the future collaboration platform for the Internet, or another amazing waste of time. The EU Commission took it seriously for a while, and it’s still going. Here are my notes and links, 

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