How to use Buffer

AS part of the fallout from the twitter migration, I had another look at Buffer. Clearly it’s not doing mastodon, but I need to have a look at what it does do. In particular, I wonder if it can handle multiple twitter accounts. I’d expect it to.

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More about Mastodon

Mastodon is in the news again; huge numbers are joining after Musk bought twitter. Here are some notes on what it is, what’s the mystery, and how to join it. …

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Raspbian on Virtual Box

I turned off my Raspberry Pi a couple of weeks ago, I was concerned about its energy draw. FFS. 😲 Also the projects I planned had stalled but like the No 11 bus, another one has come along, So I decided to install a Raspberry Pi in my virtual box instance. Here’s how …

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Ubuntu 22

This seems a bit unstable, actually a bit unfair but they have changed how they deal with bursting swap, and firefox at least uses snap and so I may need some more tools. I have added to this page as I learn more about what additional configuration I need. My notes …

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Towards a new theme

I can’t make the Nulis theme work with modals and there’s been a problem with CSS for a while; I am planning to switch my theme again. I have collected  whole bunch, and have short-listed  I like Cronus, which is a derivative of Tempo. Nulis and Cronus seem to have been abandoned.  Here are my…

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I was asked by my sister for advice on building a web e-commerce solution which set me thinking about if I could sell some “merch”. Here are my notes. …

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Using modals on this site.

I found the modals a fab way of keeping pages tidy and when writing about DnD games they allow me to hide the hints. i found some examples, and created a page with three modals, with which I had some problems which now seem nearly fixed. I will/might use the technique to hide the motions…

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This post comes in two parts; I started it when I was sceptic and came to the conclusion that I should join it as a subscriber. The first part sort of documents this journey and the second part captures the lessons I have learnt or at least observed to make me a more effective publisher…

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How to stream

A comrade recommended streamyard; it opens a whole new world to me. This is unfinished and about streamyard only, I need to understand the role it plays and what are the alternatives. Here are my notes …

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