Wizards of the Coast are looking to earn more money from their D&D assets, this has led to some 3rd party creators to worry about their right of access to the rules which had been available to them via WotC Open Gaming Licence OGL 1.0a. The similarity with the software industry’s open source wars and…

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On CoFoE

Over the last 18 months I have working with CTOE, their focus has been on using the Conference on the Future of Europe to further democratic reform of the EU. CTOE has been influenced and supports the work of direct democracy campaigners. I made this page at the end of 2022 to expose some of…

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I am playing with the Introduction Theme for Hugo and needed to see if I could change the pictures used to decorate it. I didn’t want to learn how to use GIMP anymore than I already do so I installed imagemagick. This article links to three articles that talk about greyscale, lightening and resizing and…

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New Britain, new britcon

Gordon Brown’s Commission on the constitution of the UK has finished its report. Much of the press focus on the proposal to abolish/reform the House of Lords but it is much more thorough than that. I wonder if in its way its as ambitious as the Chilean constitution that failed earlier this year. I feel…

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ANNO 1880

Xmas us coming, I was  on Steam and found ANNO 1880 which looks beautiful, at least in stills. Currently on offer for a very reasonable price. What do others say? I have a look at some reviews. …

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Ka-52 “Alligator”

I came across this article, in business insider, and their No 1, most deadly helicopter gunship is the Ka-52 “Alligator”. I think the picture below/overleaf is dramatic, and I also think shows one in Red Army (or Air Force) livery.

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Anti-Brexit websites

I was considering the effectiveness of Brexit Spotlight and it was suggested I look at it’s pseudo-competitors. Here are my notes …

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The Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) was founded by George Osborne as part of his shredding of George Brown’s reputation. He wanted and independence badge to put on the economic forecasts on which fiscal policy was based. He accused Brown of making it up. Anyway now we have the OBR, here are my notes and…

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On (2) founding fathers

Various reading and musing has led me to the foundation of the United States, not the least, my studying of the history of Mexico. I wrote a little piece on the its founding, on my blog, interestingly called https://davelevy.info/subsidiarity-representation-and-human-rights/. I say interestingly, because the title has little to suggest it is about US governance and…

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