
It has a suspended railway, a zoo and other things to do. It can reached by train, from Koln or Berlin.

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Political postcodes

How to get an MP name from a post code? I fancy doing this, Obviously “they work for you” have this? Could I write a script or copy their code? I had a look and on first review their database is obfuscated. Can I build my own and how and where to host it? I…

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Brexit and Parliament

I came across this launch review for by Russel and James’ “The parliamentary battle over Brexit“. I have highlighted the following quotes from article, …

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One Protocol to Rule them all

I say, can tech vendors meets the coming EU messaging systems interoperability requirements. A white paper “One Protocol to Rule Them All? On Securing Interoperable Messaging” by Jenny Blessing (U. of Cambridge) and Ross Anderson (U. of Cambridge & Edinburgh)

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I have some data series I want to plot on my linux systems and so I am pointed at gnuplot and eplot. Here are my notes, …

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Modals & NWN Test

This page was built to test the required code to get the hint modals working on The Harp & Chrysanthemum page. It contains the three modals, which do not display until racked up and down. This has been tested on Firefox and is usable, and on Opera, which behaves oddly, and still requires to be…

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A test for logo showcase

I need to make a test for my logo showcase plugin, this has now been fixed with new additional CSS although the pictures need to be centre aligned.

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Central Bank Digital Currency

The Govt have issued a consultation on how to implement a Central Bank Digital Currency. I say, that it seems to make as much difference to what we do today as a fart in a hurricane. Have I got it wrong? Consumers, that’s you and me will still pay using a card or a phone…

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The EU & Immigration

The Council decided at an emergency meeting, to spend more money on its border enforcement. The likely consequence of this is more deaths at sea of refugees.

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UK Petitions, are they worth it. A petition at the parliamentary site, 10,000 gets a response, 100,000 is considered for debate in Parliament, albeit, not usually on the floor of the

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Labour’s Manifesto Consultation

The Labour Party are running a ‘final’ policy consultation. Only CLPs can contribute now and it has a portal home page at the NPF site. I am reading through the commission documents and comment on some below/overleaf …

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