Losing sight of my remote disks

I discovered that my two remote disks cannot be seen on my W10 laptop, nor my elementary OS laptop. I worked round this by rebooting the disks which are connected to the network via an RJ45/USB connector to a BT Home Hub. This should work better than that. This is no longer a problem as…

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Using my Mac remotely

I needed to go looking for something I lost on my Mac using my w10 laptop, and have forgotten how I did it before. I wanted to get RDP working and failed. Here are my notes on what I tried to do and eventually did; it involved using 3rd party apps.

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Ubuntu on AWS

While writing my piece on DAAS, two years ago, where I came to the conclusion that Azure was a better host, I also looked at Ubuntu on Amazon. Here are my notes which consist mainly of videos.

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I was thinking about DaaS and how to use RDP to access a modern desktop from my Tablet and my thoughts moved to Azure although I have not given up on AWS. In fact, I will be faster with AWS and actually have an account. Here’s the links and reading …

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Installing pump.io

I have had to do an install of pumpi.io a couple of times now and decided to write a script which I have put on GitHub since I only ever return after I have forgotten everything I learnt last time. 

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Everyone’s doing it, here are my notes and links; the original founding white paper is here! https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf. This was first written in 2015, and has been added to several times. The Government have started to talk about a central bank digital currency. This led me to look for and find Bruce Schneier’s piece, On the…

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Bluetooth in the Home

It’s not often one needs it, but my EDF Home Display uses it, also I tried a long time ago to connect a phone to one of the laptops; it was the latter that led to me making this post.

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